25 Dec 2018
A look back on the top technology trends of 2018

We take a look back at the year, to pick our top technology trends for 2018. Trends that highlight what’s been going on in the development & tech world over the past year. Read on and find out!   #1 JavaScript The most well-known web development trend in 2018…

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24 Jul 2018
Installing free SSL on AWS EC2 machine( Meteor version 1.6) using LetsEncrypt

It’s delivery time in VAYUZ. Couple of project already on the production environment and some are in the last sprint. And every Developer will agree with me that the last sprint of any project is the longest sprint. Configuring an environment to a live server is a big task…

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17 May 2018
8 steps to make powerful Meteor Apps SEO friendly

Why Meteor? Meteor is a full-stack framework that uses JavaScript both the front and the back end. You just have to build a web application with Meteor and it is automatically real-time. Consequently, a front-end developer can also work on the back-end comfortably with Meteor without switching between languages….

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