News & Media Analytics

News & Media Analytics

In today's time digitally active Indian news audience is disillusioned with biased and twisted reporting of Indian media. Now a days Indian media houses are loyal to their respective favorite groups because we, the common people, have become disloyal to the media houses. So there is no validation of the information that is being published over the web. As an end consumer people believe what they see and read over the web. So there is a need to highlight the real facts and information of the content.

This case study details a project to create a analytical media platform providing quantified insights into media biases and helping filter propaganda from facts.


 Technology Consulting

 UI/UX Development

 Application Development

The Solution

To overcome the challenges that we faced in the case discussed above we came up with an in-house algorithm to analyse debates and columns. The platform has the following features which provide quantified insights and filter facts from propoganda.


This feature will provide the biasedness rating of anchors and columnists. On the basis of this information we built the profile of each media personality on the platform.

 Fact Checker

This feature will measure the truth in all fact based statements


Capture all instances of media mis-reporting and sensationalization.